Thanks again everyone for a great evening! You all had excellent questions with regard to our presentation.
Thanks also to Darryl Bank for taking time out of his busy schedule to come and join us this evening. It's always great to hear an alternate perspective from a great seasoned professional working in the business.
If you'd like to discuss anything additionally - be sure to leave a comment below. All questions, even if they're repeats, are welcome.
Be sure to follow the rest of my goings-on on my Instagram account here. If you have any images from any of these lectures, be sure to use the hashtag #NuvangoArtBiz #CaroTripp and of course #Nuvango!
CARFAC links (Canadian Artist Representation/Les front des arts Canada)
Ontario Chapter Membership:
General website:
More information on Artist Fees:
Who gives them out?
Toronto Arts Council:
Ontario Arts Council:
Canada Council for the Arts:
Canadian Copyright:
If you want to flip through Tuesday, January 19th's presentation, you can flip through the slideshow here: