Tuesday January 12th Recap
Thanks again everyone for a great evening! You all had excellent questions with regard to our presentation. Thanks also to Kate Domina and Rachel McRae for taking time to present a bit about their own experiences as professional artists.
Be sure to follow the rest of my goings-on on my Instagram account here. If you have any images from yesterday evening, be sure to use the hashtag #NuvangoArtBiz #CaroTripp and of course #Nuvango!
There were a few additional items we discussed on top of the content of your handouts.
Thanks for engaging with all of your excellent questions! If I missed anything, or you'd like to discuss anything additionally - be sure to leave a comment below.
Resources (Call for Submissions, Art Openings, Artistic Opportunities):
http://www.akimbo.ca/ - Akimbo is an excellent one-stop resource to find out about different shows, calls for submissions, and other opportunities available in Toronto and beyond! Be sure to subscribe to their Twitter and Facebook feeds to receive their latest updates.
Technical resources (for apps, building your website, or tricks on photography):
Whenever I don't know how to do something, I find someone on the web who has! But it pays to know the correct questions to ask. Did you know that you can access Lynda.com through your Toronto Public Library account? Make sure you sign up today to look at online tutorials for technical bits and know-how. You never know unless you look it up.
More Technical Bits:
One thing I didn't get to in the presentation is online security. Visit https://tech.safehubcollective.org/cybersecurity/ to get a decent run down of what you can do to accomplish a few things on your own. Once you have all of your content on your site - it definitely pays to make sure you can be secure about your online activity! Well, as much as possible.
I also use http://www.avira.com/en/avira-free-antivirus for my Mac laptop. It keeps me away from suspicious sites when I want to click on that kitten video that might be something else.
The Google Search Engine is a great way to get your site online. Be sure to submit yours once it's ready to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?continue=/addurl
I've also had great experiences with https://www.namecheap.com/ and http://squarespace.com/ these will respectively purchase your domain name and help you set up a great looking site! Hint: Mine is set up with Squarespace, too. Have a look around to see the excellent diversity of the software. You can manipulate the code if you wish, but there's no coding required for this application.
Have a question about anything else we covered? Be sure to leave a comment and we'll start a conversation for the rest of the group as well.
If you want to flip through Tuesday, January 12th's presentation, you can flip through the slideshow here: